It's hard to believe summer has come to an end! We have a full project schedule lined up this fall! Please read through everything listed below there are important messages regarding your benefits.
Projects that are finishing up:
- Powder Mill with Metra and RK&K for City of Baltimore
Here is what we have lined up:
- Continue at Heavenly Pond with McCormick Taylor for Harford County
- Continue at Fawcett Field with Gateway Engineers for Shaler Township
- Continue at Huskins Run with Gateway Engineers for PNG
- Continue Kingsbury Stream Restoration with WSP for Baltimore County
- Ottawa Design-Build with Biohabitats
- Lower Minebank with Biohabitats for Baltimore County
- Oil Creek Habitat Improvement for Crawford County Conservation District
- Crescent Stream Repair with Biohabitats
- Springsgetsbury Design-Build with AKRF
- Quiet Waters (Caffrey Run) with Arundel Rivers
MVS also has a busy schedule lined up!
- MVS will continue working at Spotsylvania until Thanksgiving
- Toms River will be starting up shortly
- Projects are already lining up into the Summer of 2022
BENEFITS OPEN ENROLLMENT is 12/1/21. This is the one and only time you can add and/or make any changes (waive coverage, add dependents) to your health, dental, vision, life insurance, AFLAC. The only other allowable time, is if there is a qualifying event (i.e. have a baby, get married, spouse loses job & loses coverage, etc.). PLEASE SEE HR BEFORE THANKSGIVING, to make any changes. Once the deadline passes - you're in whatever you're in, until 12/1/22.
Any questions - message through the employee website, email, call HR.
Personal Contact Information:
If you have moved, changed phone numbers or changed email addresses - PLEASE give those changes HR right away.
If you have moved - that could affect your state and local taxes (W-2s will be mailed out before you know it).
If you have changed phone numbers and/or changed email addresses - that will affect information and notices you will be given from the company and from your benefit providers.
Alerus App:
If you haven't already done so - download and sign up for the Alerus app! You can see your retirement account anytime, change your funds around anytime.
New Employees:
We welcome 2 new members to our team: Cody Menting and Jordan Unger
Safety Tip - Hard Hats
Use Your Head, Wear Your Hard Hat
Your head is the most important part of your body. You think, feel, talk, smell, and hear with your head. Therefore, it makes sense that you should protect your head from any injury.
Wearing a hard hat is the first line of defense against head injuries on the job. A hard hat can protect your head against the hazard of falling material and guard against accidental bumping. The hard hat softens any blow to the head. It resists and deflects the blow and distributes the impact over a large area. The hat’s suspension acts as a shock absorber. Even if the hat dents or shatters, it still takes some of the force out of the blow and off your head. It can also shield your scalp, face, neck, and shoulders against spills or splashes.
Instagram Photo Contest Winners:
August - Austin Johnston - Praying Mantis
September - Mike Sherman - Total Station
Stop in the office to pick up your gift card!